Perhaps you school has instituted a minimum grade policy toward the end of a grading period, and you want to make sure that any course grades under that minimum are raised to meet it. Or, for some other reason, you need to adjust many course grades. You can use a spreadsheet import to set overrides en masse within Schoolrunner.
If you only need to set (or remove) a handful of course grade overrides, it's easier to do it this way.
Once an override is set, no changes to assessment scores – new or old – will affect the student's course grade. Nothing will change the override until you remove it.
To set course grade overrides in bulk, the steps are:
- Download the "Report Card Grades" .csv export from the Export page (Setup>Export). Each row represents one student's grade in one course for one grading period.
- Delete all rows (except for the header row) that will NOT be getting an override. Your file should only have rows for students who will receive an override. Do not leave rows that aren't supposed to have a course grade override.
- In the remaining rows, change the value in column J ("Percent") to the override value. Do not change anything else.
- Save the .csv and drop it into the /import page of your Schoolrunner site. You'll have to manually type this into your web browser's address bar.
- Wait for Schoolrunner to process your information and then confirm the changes.
- Recalculate grades manually.
Overrides are now set!
If you need to remove overrides in bulk, follow these steps:
- Download the "Report Card Grades" .csv export from the Export page (Setup>Export).
- Delete all rows (except for the header row) that should NOT have an override removed. Your file should only have rows for students whose overrides are being removed. Do not leave rows that are supposed to have a course grade override.
- In the remaining rows, delete ALL values in column J ("Percent"). Do not change anything else.
- Save the .csv and drop it into the /import page of your Schoolrunner site. You'll have to manually type this into your web browser's address bar.
- Wait for Schoolrunner to process your information and then confirm the changes.
- Recalculate grades manually.
A few notes on this process:
- It's best to do this in your sandbox site first, to make sure things work as you expect. Contact to ensure your sandbox data is up to date.
- You can only set overrides for course grades that already exist. If a student has no course grade to start with, you cannot set an override for him or her. Give him/her a score on at least one assessment so that Schoolrunner can generate a course grade.
- It is possible to set overrides for grades in a locked term bin.
- When you upload the .csv into the /import page, overrides will be set for every row included in your .csv, even if you left some student data as is, with no changes at all. This is why it's important to delete all rows (don't just hide or filter them!) that shouldn't be modified.
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