Copying assessments can save precious time if you frequently give assessments that are identically structured and receive similar results, day after day or week after week.
But it may be quicker and easier to simply make a new assessment, especially in Gradebook, unless the assessment has:
- a complex structure (lots of questions, varying point values or tags, different standards, etc.) or
- a particular setup or
- almost always has the same student scores
If your assessment matches one of these three criteria, it's a good candidate for being copied.
Start by navigating to the assessment that you want to serve as a template and clicking the "Copy" button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. (You can get to assessments easily via the Quick Search.)
If you don't want to use the same students, X out the students and whatever selection is in the "Sections" menu before saving your copy for the first time.
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