If you are using Schoolrunner as the original source of your school data (i.e. you are using the School Setup feature), you can configure a sync to send your Schoolrunner data on a (one-way) journey into Clever, for use in other third-party apps.
Start by getting your Clever SFTP credentials from your Clever dashboard.
Then, paste those credentials into the "Clever SFTP Username" and "Clever SFTP Password" settings on Schoolrunner's Settings page, in the "SIS Sync" section.
After you save, your Schoolrunner data will formatted for Clever and sent into your Clever account on an hourly basis. That's it! If you ever want to pause or stop the sync of data from Schoolrunner into Clever, simply clear out either of these settings.
Note that Clever will put an automatic hold on your data if lots of changes are made. This is not an issue with Schoolrunner's sync into Clever. As an admin of your Clever account, you're able to clear this hold.
If you need an immediate update of your Clever data, visit your Export page. From there, you can download a .zip of Clever-formatted .csv files. These files can be dropped into Clever's web upload tool.
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