Yes! You can set daily attendance codes for students with a scheduled task in Schoolrunner.
Visit the Scheduled Tasks page (via the Configure page). Add a new scheduled task via the green button in the upper right then and choose "Set daily attendance" from the "Type" menu.
Set the time at which you want this task to run (i.e. the time at which attendance codes should be assigned) and which days of the week this task should run on.
Lastly, choose the group of students that should get the code you choose in the "Absence Type" menu. Despite the title of this menu, you can choose in-school attendance codes too (like "Present" or "Present Virtual").
The "Overwrite Pre-Existing Attendance" setting determines whether or not the Schoolrunner system leaves kids with existing daily records alone or whether those kids get updated with the code you choose in "Absence Type". Normally, you'll want to leave this setting as "No" so that if kids have a pre-existing code (due to an incident consequence or due to the school having been informed of an excused absence in advance) that info is preserved.
The "Comments" field is optional. If you put something in here, it will be included as the comment on the attendance record that is created.
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