On the Analysis page, choose from either the "Incidents" dataset or the "Student Incidents" dataset. The difference between these two datasets is that "Incidents" does not include student-level information, and "Student Incidents" does.
So, for example, if you want to see how many incidents were logged last month, you can use the "Incidents" dataset. If you want to see how many students were involved in last month's incidents, use the "Student Incidents" dataset. The critical element here is that several students can be involved in a single incident, so choose according to what info you want to view.
Here's an example: if you use the "Incidents" dataset, you can break out your chart by month and incident type to get a visual of how many of which type of incident has happened each month.
You can also click into the "Pivot Table" tab and put "Incident Type" on the left and "Incident Location" across the top to see where each type of incident most frequently occurs.
If you'd rather use the "Student Incidents" dataset to learn more about the students involved in incidents, rather than the incidents themselves, try breaking out your chart by student and incident type to see which kids are involved in which types of incidents.
Remember that you'll likely have more "Student Incident" records than "Incident" records since multiple students can be involved in a single incident.
To get another view in the pivot table, try putting students on the left with consequence types across the top, to see which students are most frequently getting suspensions, for example.
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