There are two common causes behind seeing another teacher's assessments in your Gradebook when you don't expect to. Both are related to situations where a single course has multiple sections taught by multiple staff members.
The simplest solution is that you have sections other than your own selected in the "Sections" menu. Open up the menu and ensure that only our sections are selected.
The second cause relates to students who have transferred between sections, especially when teachers of the same course log their own, separate assessments.
Imagine that a student leaves another teacher's ELA section and moves into yours. The student is still in the same course, but all the work s/he has done up to now has been for the other teacher.
This previous work was not assigned by you, nor was it completed by the students you've had all term. However, all the work still relates to ELA, still counts toward this student's grade, and is brought along into your course by the transfer student.
In your Gradebook, this most commonly shows up as an assessment that has no results on it except for those of the new kid.
This is totally normal in most situations! It's the equivalent of the student entering your classroom on his/her first day and bringing along worksheets that s/he completed for the other ELA teacher, even though your kids didn't do them.
Note that you can "clean" up these assessments if you need to. On the assessment header, click on the gear icon that appears and choose "Remove". This will deactivate the new student's score on the assessment but it won't affect kids from the other section, who still have results that are meaningful to the original teacher. (In fact, you'll see a warning dialog notify you of this; this only shows up if other students who aren't in view have results; otherwise, the whole assessment will be deactivated)
However, be aware that deactivating results like this is essentially throwing out work that the student has already done. This may align with your school policy when it comes to students transferring sections within the same course, and may be fine, but keep in mind that seeing other teacher's assessments in your Gradebook is not necessarily a problem.
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