Manually entering student responses can be convenient for short assessments. You can also add and update student results in Gradebook.
However, if you're working on the Add Assessment page, click the "Input" tab to manually enter student responses. Student names for all selected sections are automatically displayed (scroll down in the frame to view them all) along with blank response fields for one question. Add as many additional questions as you like by clicking "Add Questions".
Be sure to fill out the "Correct Answer" field if there is a definite, correct answer. Leave this blank for responses with partial credit, such as essays or critical response questions. For those, you can enter a score after assessing student answers. "Point Value" determines how much each question is worth.
If you want to tie questions to specific objectives, select them from the "Standards" dropdown menu. Adding information in the "Tags" field is optional, but may help you make sense of student results. "Tag Weight" determines the relative weight of each question and is used only in very specific scenarios. Learn more about tags and tag weight here.
There are a few ways to speed up the process of manually entering responses. When completing the assessment definition, you can use the "Fill Right" option (see below) to copy common values, such as point values, across all questions. A version of this feature, "Fill Down", is also available for student responses.
Next to each question number ("Q#") at the top of the definition, there are two icons: an X and a reset icon.
- Use the X to delete the question and all answers.
- Use the refresh icon to reset all student responses for that question.
As with any task in Schoolrunner, don’t forget to save when you’re finished!
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