Start by visiting the Settings page and opening the "Attendance" section.
The settings you use will depend on your school's need. Each setting has a description of what it does, so read closely. Here is some more detail and context:
- Default Class Attendance From Daily Attendance – This will pre-select attendance codes for students in their classes based on the kid's daily code, potentially saving teachers a lot of clicks if they're logging attendance each period. Note that teachers still need to save their class attendance, as "pre-selecting" is not the same as pre-saving.
- Schools that only track daily attendance can ignore this setting.
- Default Daily Attendance From Class Attendance – This basically logs two data points from a single action, based on the assumption that the attendance code a kid gets in his/her first period is likely going to be the same as the daily code s/he should have. The student can still get different class codes later on in the day, and the student's daily code can still be updated later on without affecting the first period class record. This setting is very helpful for schools that track both class and daily attendance, and even for schools that only track daily attendance, since having teachers set daily attendance based on their first period takes care of a lot of work that your office staff may otherwise do.
- Schools that only track class attendance can ignore this setting.
- Default Code for Daily Attendance – This is helpful for front office staff, if they are responsible for logging or adjusting student attendance. If they most frequently log or adjust records to be "Tardy", for example, selecting "Tardy" in this setting will pre-fill it on the Daily Attendance page, saving clicks.
- Schools that only track class attendance can ignore this setting.
- Show All Sections on the Class Attendance Page – If your bell schedule is set up so that teachers have different sections on different days, using this setting will declutter things for them and help ensure accurate data.
- Student Barcode Value – This is only useful if you use badges or IDs to scan students in for daily attendance. You can use whatever scanner you have, as long as it's functioning and plugged in to your computer. There is no specific hardware you need.
- Schools that only track class attendance can ignore this setting.
- Attendance Model to Display – Use this to make sure that your site reflects the attendance data that is important to your school. This controls how attendance is shown in several different places, for teachers, students, and parents; in both the website and the mobile app.
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