If you expect to see a student on the detention roster, but she or he is not there, here are some common reasons why:
- Make sure you're looking at the right detention roster; Schoolrunner supports up to three types of detention, and students can be on one without being on others. Note that the terminology for each type of detention can be changed, so the pages may be named something else. The options between "Behaviors" and "Communication" in the "Culture" dropdown menu are all detention types.
- The detention roster is filtered to a student group that student isn't part of. X out the selection in the "Group" dropdown menu.
- The student is absent for the day (and thus ineligible to serve detention). Check the "Absent" tab for the student.
- The student earned detention today but your school has the "Detention Served Today" setting set to No, meaning detentions earned today are served tomorrow (or the next school day). Check your settings or just change the "As Of" date on the Detention page to see if the student is listed on the next school day.
- The student didn't actually earn enough detention points to be placed on a detention roster, or the student had a negative detention balance that cancelled out points that otherwise would have put him or her on a roster. Type the student's name into the "Select a student" menu and hover over his or her balance to see a detailed behavior account in the "Detention Explained" view.
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