Grading methodologies can be viewed and accessed either from a specific course page or via the "Manage Grading Methodologies" link on the Configure page.
Methodologies must be set up for every grading term for which students should receive grades. For example, a student should get four quarter grades and one end-of-year grade for a standard year-long course, as in the screenshot below. This means that each quarter needs to have a methodology defined (these can all be exactly the same or they can differ from quarter to quarter) and the final year-long methodology needs to be defined as well. How you arrange each methodology is totally up to you as long as they each add up to 100%.
Remember that if you don't have a grading methodology set up for a course, the course will not be displayed on students' report cards, even if the students are enrolled in the course. Report cards will only display term or year grades if there is a grading methodology set up for each. So if you have a Math class for which you have grading methodologies set up for Quarters 1-3, but not for Y1, then you will see only Quarters 1-3 on students' report cards for that course.
If you have an English class which does have a grading methodology for Y1, as well as methodologies for Q1 and Q2 but not Q3, then you will see Q1, Q2, and Y1 displayed on those students' report cards, but not Q3.
Long story short: If you want to see a grade on a report card, whether it's for a term or for a year, there has to be a grading methodology set up for it. Similarly, if there is no grading methodology set up for a course, that course will not be factored into students' GPAs on the scholar dashboard.
From the course page, you can edit methodologies by clicking on the pencil icon in the upper right-hand corner of each summary tile.
This will take you to the following screen, where you can configure the methodology as you like.
Click on the blue "Add Methodology Bucket" at top right to create a new bucket. You will then have the option to name the bucket ("Methodology Bucket Name") and decide what the contents will be. The "Contents" populate based on your assessment types (read more on how to edit these here), and you can choose one or any number of assessment types to contribute toward the course's grade.
Decide how much you would like each bucket to count by using the "Weight (%)" option at far left. Ensure that all buckets add up to 100% in the "Weight Total (%)" field at bottom left.
You can deactivate a methodology by using the "Deactivate" button at the bottom right-hand corner of each summary tile.
Just be sure to replace the methodology with a new one if you'd like to see a grade display! Read more on adding new methodologies here.
Remember to reset your grading methodologies at the beginning of each school year! Grading methodologies will not automatically carry over from year to year. You can use the Copy School Setup feature to copy Grading Methodologies, Courses and Standards between schools and terms.
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