Grading scales translate a numeric score into a description or achievement level. That could be an A, B, or C letter grade, a mastery level, a STEP level, or any other scale used by your school. Create the grading scales to be used by your entire school by clicking on "Grading Scales" on the Configure page.
Schoolrunner comes with a conventional letter grade already created. Edit this scale to reflect your school’s needs. To edit any grading scale, click the hyperlink or click the gear icon and select "edit."
To create a new grading scale, click "Add Grading Scale" in the upper right-hand corner.
For example, if you use mastery grading rather than a percentage, assign appropriate numerical values and enter a comment (which shows up on report cards and student pages) if desired. Toggle "Is percent?" to "No" to specify that this scale is not linked to a percent value. You can also use abbreviation for any longer or more descriptive names (maximum of 15 characters).
If you want a certain grading scale to be used at only one of the schools in your network, toggle "All Schools" to "No." By default, Schoolrunner provides access to all scales for all schools in your network.
You can't use a STEP grading scale as the scale for a course. Course grades need to be based on a percentage. Want to show a STEP grade on a report card? Use the "Highlight on Report Card" option on the assessment, found in the "Additional Options" section.
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