Teachers can log class attendance via the Schoolrunner mobile app. To start, tap on the "Attendance" tile on the home screen.
By default, you'll only see your sections that are scheduled to meet today. If you need to log attendance for a different section, like if you're not listed as the teacher of record or your schedule has changed, you can do this by using the search bar.
Tap on a student to cycle through your attendance code options. Once you've selected all the right codes for the right kids, save. You'll be warned if you start making changes on this screen and then try to navigate away before you've saved your work.
When you load a section of students on the mobile app, you can toggle between grid and list views, depending on your preference. Use the button to the right of the "filter students" bar.
Depending on your school settings, class attendance that you log in the mobile app may set a daily attendance code for students. However, you cannot directly set daily attendance in the Schoolrunner mobile app.
Please visit the Daily Attendance page in the Schoolrunner website if you need to set or adjust daily attendance.
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