The Behaviors page is designed to have maximum flexibility for however you prefer to enter behaviors. See the examples below to find the workflow that's best for you.
Pro Tip: Use your keyboard to make logging behaviors even faster!
- your Tab key moves you from menu to menu
- start typing to filter menu choices, instead of scrolling
- your Up and Down arrow keys move you through menu options
- your Enter key makes a selection within a menu
One Behavior, One Student
Select a student from the "Students" menu, choose a behavior, and add any additional details that you want. This saves a single behavior record.
One Behavior, Multiple Students
Select students from the "Students" menu, choose a behavior and add any additional details that you want. This saves as many behavior records as there are students, and each behavior has the same details (comment, location, etc.).
Multiple Different Behaviors, One Student
Select a student from the "Students" menu, choose different behaviors, and add any additional details that you want. This saves a different record for each behavior chosen, and each behavior has the same details (comment, location, etc.).
Multiple Different Behaviors, Multiple Students
Select students from the "Students" menu, choose different behaviors, and add any additional details that you want. This saves a different record for each behavior chosen for each student, and each behavior has the same details. In other words, if you chose 5 students, and then chose 5 behaviors, a total of 25 records are saved, all with the same comment, location, etc.
Multiplying a Single Behavior
To log a specific behavior several times over, chose the behavior and then use the multiplier field to have our system multiply the effect of that behavior (i.e. the "Merit" behavior x 5 will log one record worth 5 merits instead of the normal one record worth 1 merit).
If you've selected more than one type of behavior and use a multiplier, the multiplier affects them all. If the multiplier box is grayed out and inaccessible, update the behavior configuration to allow for multiplication (reach out to your school's Schoolrunner lead if you don't have this level of permission).
Distinct, Multiple Behaviors for a Single Student
If you want to log separate behaviors with different details (comments, locations, etc.) for a single student, you can add multiple rows for that student. Use the gear icon to do this.
Pro Tip: You can add a new row within any workflow, if you want to distinguish the behaviors or behavior details.
Distinct Behaviors for a Group of Students
Instead of using the "Students" menu, select a group from the "Groups" menu. This creates a row for each student in the group. Chose the behavior(s) for each student, and enter additional details as desired. This is best if every kid in the group should have something unique. If every kid in the group should have the same behavior(s) saved, see the next workflow.
A Single Behavior for a Group of Students
If you plan to give the same behavior(s) to everyone in a group, you can use the "Student" menu to select the group. This puts all group members on a single row. If you want, you can expand the group listed to see who is included, and remove certain students if desired.
Separate Behaviors for Multiple Groups of Students
If you want to give a behavior to an entire group, and also a separate behavior to a separate group, you can use the "Students" menu to select the first group. Choose the behavior you want to give to them, and then add a new row. In this new row, choose another group and give them a different behavior. Note that you can also multi-select behaviors for either group if you desire.
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