Slips – Expanded Messaging Options
Lots of the ideas we receive center around student slips, and many of the suggestions we get about slips relate to messaging.
We've heard some ideas along the following lines:
- allow a generic message to be added to all slips
- allow certain student detail fields to be included in messages (such as address or contact details)
- accommodate messaging that supports replacement patterns ("For %student_first_name%, we have %home_phone_1% on record. Is this still the best phone number to use?")
For such an improvement, we'd also need to consider where and how messaging on slips is handled. This could be managed within the slips settings on the Settings page, via a messaging box on the Slips page, or some combination thereof.
Let us know if there are other use cases you can imagine for messaging on slips, other ways you'd ideally like messaging to be implemented, how you'd expect to control it for your school, and any other thoughts you have on this subject. Thanks!
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